The Right Taxation & BAS agents for Growing Businesses
Smart ATO Compliant Taxation
As the taxation system in Australia becomes increasingly complex, businesses and individuals need timely solutions without wading through complicated taxation law. Frankston Tax Accountants has some of the leading taxation accountants and accounting services in Frankston who specialise in delivering practical, cost effective taxation solutions - without the jargon.
We understand that clients want to get to the solution quickly and our taxation services professionals offer clear, concise advice to manage your taxation risk, your local and international taxation issues, and develop strategies to utilise taxation concessions and planning opportunities. Our specialists are commercially minded and provide business advice and services on tax accounting issues ranging from tax consolidation and tax planning to transfer pricing, and succession planning to executive remuneration.
At Frankston Tax Accountants, the accounting tax specialists firm in Frankston we offer a full range of taxation and bookkeeping services. Our proactive approach ensures we deliver consistent service and ensure you are doing all that is legally possible to minimise your taxes.
How We Help Individuals And Businesses Throughout Melbourne
Frankston Tax Accountants Is The Team Of Experienced Tax Accountants In Melbourne That Individuals And Businesses Turn To For Quality Advice And Service. With Over 29 Years Of Experience As Specialist Accountants In Melbourne, Frankston Accountants Provides Advice And Taxation Returns For Companies, Trusts, Individuals And Self-Managed Superannuation Funds.
Practical Services That Work For You
Our accountants can assist you with corporate tax issues, fringe benefits tax, salary packaging options and employee share schemes, non-resident returns and much more.
Frankston Tax Accountants’ team of dedicated Melbourne based accountants can help you minimise your tax, looking at not just the minor deductions you are entitled to, but also giving you advice about how you can minimise your tax like the wealthy do!
If you are looking for experienced agents or accountants in Melbourne, call our Frankston office on 03 9571 5333 today!
Industry leading taxation accountants in Frankston
Looking for the right accountant and wealth advisor? Our team are committed to providing a complete range of accounting, taxation & business services for today's business conditions. We have extensive experience in assisting our clients realise their business and personal goals.
From the basics of PAYG taxation to more complex taxation planning strategies, we help ensure you sleep at night by taking the worry out of taxation.
It is our business to know taxation law
We will make sure you meet all taxation obligations under current legislation, and closely monitor changes to make sure we take advantage of any opportunities. We will advise on how to minimise taxation costs and help you set up a taxation effective structure for your business, partnership or superannuation fund. We can also provide specialist tax services and advice in capital gains tax, fringe benefits tax and payroll.
Our services include all aspects of tax accounting and planning, pre-30 June reviews, tax cost minimisation strategies, capital gains tax record keeping, BAS and IAS requirements, and cloud bookkeeping services. We will make sure you comply with all statutory requirements at both state and federal levels – it is our job, not yours, to keep up with all the legislation.
Let Frankston Tax Accountants, we take care of your XERO and MYOB bookkeeping needs while you focus on growing your business! We offer bookkeeping services for small businesses in all the major suburbs in Melbourne. We will take care of your books while you focus on making more sales for your small business. Check out our accounting solutions and see which suits your needs.
We ensure that you are structured in the most tax-effective manner so that you can be confident that you are paying the least amount of tax possible. Legally minimising the amount of tax payable is strongly dependent on having the appropriate structure in place so that you can apply the funds towards growing a sustainable business.
We offer business advisory services to help structure your business
Legally minimising the amount of taxation payable is strongly dependent on having the appropriate structure in place so that you can apply the funds towards growing a sustainable business.
We ensure that you are structured in the most tax effective manner so that you can be confident that you are paying the least amount of taxation possible. In fact, we often find that through our obligation free taxation review for new clients, 6.8 out of 10 end up having tax refunds from previous years due to the opportunities we identify.
We’ll help you understand where your business – big, small or just medium sized– is now and where it could be, and then work with you on a plan to get you there. Our skills, expertise, knowledge and drive to see our clients reach their full potential have brought us to the point where our full service offering is centred around this. And since we all love the challenge that comes with making a positive difference in the business and financial aspects of our clients’ lives, we don’t mind admitting that it’s a win-win situation.
Our firm provides the following services in this area:
- Business planning
- Budgeting and cash flow
- Financial and management reporting
Taxation Without The Jargon
We like to arrange regular meetings with you to track the progress of your business and to discuss any concerns, questions or ideas that you may have.
Business Advice
We are able to advise you on how to:
- Determine the best business structure for you
- Prepare a realistic business plan
- Implement the business plan
- Develop and grow your business
- Improve and monitor the profitability and cash flow of your business
- Business tax advice
- Managed Superannuation
Whether you are looking for someone to manage your tax returns in Frankston or any other business services, our business tax specialists have a dedicated, experienced team of business services accountants & business tax agents and accountants who will readily cater to all your needs within a wide spectrum of accounting services. If you're looking for the right business accountant, Frankston Tax Accountants is the team for you.
We provide a wide range of Business Accounting Services for your company such as :
- Preparation of Business Tax Returns and Financial Statement for Companies, Trusts, Partnerships, Sole Traders and Joint Ventures.
- Business Activity Statements (BAS)
- Business Planning and Advice
- Business Structure Formation and Asset Protection Strategies
- Cash Flow and Budgeting Assistance
- Compliance with ASIC
- Business Valuation
- Benchmarking
So If you need business accountants in Frankston or anywhere in Melbourne, contact us and someone from our skilled team of business advisory specialists will get in touch with you.
Personal Taxation Services
At Frankston Tax Accountants, the accounting tax specialists firm in Frankston, we offer a broad range of personal managed superannuation guidance advisory services to individuals and their families. through our expert tax agents. Your personal and family tax needs are handled with the care and efficiency you would expect from professional business accountants.
Our experienced team can guide you through choosing the correct tax structure and provide advice on the tax consequences. We encourage our clients to seek our advice before making important financial decisions to ensure that the best possible outcome is achieved with good tax returns.
We offer the following personal tax solutions:
- Preparation of all types of Income Tax returns
- Advice on Capital Gains Tax
- Advice on the taxation of investment income
- Advice on the taxation of foreign income
- Advice on Land Tax
- Taxation consequences of possible new investments
- Explanation of the benefits and disadvantages of various tax structures
- Help with estate planning and managing deceased estates
- Advice on asset protection
Individual accounting services, wealth strategy, insurance, and financial management. Prepare and lodge your tax return with Frankston Tax Accountants, a registered tax agent in Frankston. Let us do the hard work, with professional advice and ensuring maximum refund and paying minimum tax.
Are you already operating or considering starting a business as a sole trader? Frankston Tax Accountants can help as we are a 'one-stop-shop' for accounting services and tax advice for sole traders and small businesses.

Professional Services
Providing accounting, tax and business advisory to professional services industries comes naturally to Frankston Tax Accountants. We have a large clientele of professional services clients who seek advice and knowledge specific to their industry.
We listen to your challenges and provide the right solution.
At Frankston Tax Accountants, accountants and tax agents in Frankston and Frankston North VIC, whatever taxation needs or challenges you face, our tax agents have the right people and taxation services to help you. Our team of taxation advisers are all experts in their chosen industry field. Whether you’re an individual or a public, private or multinational company, we know the pressures you face and how best to deal with them. We’ll help you identify and manage taxation risk before it becomes a problem, maximise opportunities, minimise your taxation exposure, take realistic taxation positions and comply with all ATO requirements.
Sounds Like the Kind of Taxation Agents You Need?
We are the right size and have the right approach for your business.
Let's talk. An initial consultation is completely free and we'd love to get to know you.
Don't miss your opportunity to grow.
Business Advisory
Building and maintaining a successful business in today’s rapidly changing environment is a balancing act. Sustaining year on year growth, while keeping up to date with commercial and legislative compliance and managing the challenges of daily business operations, places huge demands on business owners and directors.
Our specialist advisors work with you in a role to help you plan and implement contemporary business practices that will allow you to keep a close eye on the detail while not losing sight of the big picture.
Our Self Managed Super administration service can help you achieve the benefits of an SMSF by taking care of the administration and compliance of your SMSF, creating free time for you to focus on the critical job of managing the investments of your fund.
With a self-managed super fund, you are in charge of your super and where it is invested, plus you manage those investments yourself.

Financial Advisory
At Frankston Tax Accountants we provides comprehensive financial advice to our clients with an enthusiastic and proactive approach. Our strong team of experienced professionals will work with you towards identifying valuable solutions on how best to achieve your goals. Frankston Tax Accountants is a Melbourne based Chartered Accounting firm offering timely and cost-effective services to both individuals and businesses. We consist of a team of accountants and business consultants dedicated to providing the highest quality accounting, taxation, bookkeeping, and business advisory services.
Taxation with Simple Easy to Understand fees
Simplified Tax Advice
Tax advice and knowing the tax opportunities available to you given your situation can help you make better decisions. Your decisions may even help reduce your tax bill. It can pay to think outside the box.
Whether you are employed or in business, our specialist accounting and tax agents team can ensure that you receive the best advice in relation to tax deductions available, to offset the impost of Australia’s high personal tax rates.
A myriad of complex rules apply to foreign income derived by Australian residents. Our tax agents and advisers can assist with ensuring that clients can move forward with certainty. We can help simplify complex situations with our extensive services, helping clients work through planning issues.
Australian tax law is very complex and changing all of the time, and to understand how our clients' circumstances fit into this legal jigsaw may provide you wonderful insight to make better decisions that suit you.
Taxation Planning
We know that cash is vital when growing a business so effective taxation planning is critical. Taxation obligations created from last year’s activities as well as putting aside funding to meet next year’s obligations is an important balancing act for most businesses. You’ll benefit from the extra time we spend at the end of every job reviewing your records against our extensive taxation planning checklist to ensure we identify every potential benefit to you and your business through our high caliber taxation and bookkeeping services.
For a business, it is a good time to review your tax position at the end of the financial year and evaluate any year-end strategies that may be available to legitimately minimize tax. Check your Profit and Loss statements – if you will need to pay tax make sure you have kept money aside to cover the payment
Check amounts paid to superannuation and possibly contribute more to maximise your deductions
For individuals, reviewing your claims for deductions, receipts for deductions and general record-keeping before the end of the year is a good idea. You can see if there is something you can do to maximise your deductions – for example pay interest in advance.
Get together all reports and documents for your investments and rental property to make sure you are claiming everything you are entitled to.
- Preparation and lodgement of financial reports
- Annual review
- Business registration and maintenance
- Regulatory compliance according to the corporations law and other relevant legislation
- Update of directorship
- Update of shareholder registry
Our highly experienced financial advisors are well versed in all relevant legislation and can provide assistance across a wide spectrum of financial and business needs with our wide ranging services .
We will assist with your financial reports, annual reviews and ensure you comply with all aspects of your ASIC compliance obligations with our vast financial services.
State Revenue Compliance
- Payroll tax
- Land tax
- Stamp duties
- Rates
- Fines
- All other state revenue compliance issues as they arise
Our financial advisors are highly experienced when it comes to state revenue compliance and provide a full range of financial services. We will ensure your payroll tax and land tax is compliant with the state revenue regulations. Your Frankston Tax Accountants financial advisor and tax agents can also cover every aspect of stamp duties, rates, fines and all other state revenue compliance issues.
Confused And Overwhelmed By Business Taxation Compliance?
We have the perfect taxation services for you. We can help with everything you need to handle the ATO and get the compliance done. At Frankston Tax Accountants, the accounting tax agents in Frankston, when it comes to tax, our promise to you is simple. We listen to you today.
Tax compliance is a complex procedure. There are frequent changes in rules and legislation, as well as social, economic, political and global influences to be accounted for. If you have any concerns or are worried about tax risk within your organisation, then contact Frankston Tax Accountants, the accounting tax specialists firm in Frankston to help minimise your exposure or to clarify any issues with our comprehensive financial services and business advisory services.
When it comes to tax related matters, you can rest assured Frankston Tax Accountants, tax agents in Frankston can ensure you are compliant with the entire regulatory framework. When you consult with our financial advisory team we will handle all of your tax compliance needs, so you can put your time where it means the most to you.
Potential tax risks can include:
- Operational risk – day to day risks such as making incorrect tax withholdings
- Compliance risk – such as making inadequate tax return disclosures
- Transaction risk – potential taxes arising from, for example, asset sales
- Financial accounting risk – in disclosing tax assets and provisions for tax payable
- Personal risk – to directors from, for example, unremitted PAYG and GST
Non-compliance can result in severe consequences. The ATO and state tax authorities regularly audit and investigate companies to ensure tax compliance. At Frankston Tax Accountants, the accounting tax agents in Frankston we will be able to perform a simple and easy taxation risk check to ensure you peace of mind and confidence with our extensively managed financial services. We can also help reveal ways in which you can save tax!
Our team of Taxation specialists work with our clients to meet Taxation Compliance obligations, minimise risk and develop tax effective strategies for small to medium sized businesses . Structuring your businesses are very important from the initial stage whether they are a Company, Partnership or Trust or a combination.
Our Business Taxation Services include:
- Business Income Tax for Sole Traders, Partnerships, Companies, Trusts & SMSF
- GST & Preparation of Business Activity Statements (BAS)
- Managed Capital Gains Tax (CGT)
- Managed Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)
- Managed Tax Due Diligence Reviews
- Managed Tax Audit Reviews
- Managed Tax Dispute Strategies
- Managed Tax Office bench-marking
- Managed Tax effective structures for Asset Protection
When it comes to tax related matters, you can rest assured Frankston Tax Accountants, the accounting tax specialists firm in Frankston can ensure you are compliant with the entire regulatory framework. When you consult with our financial advisory team we will handle all of your tax compliance needs, so you can put your time where it means the most to you.
Corporate Compliance
- Audit and assurance
- Corporate superannuation
- IPOs
We help businesses rest assured that their corporations are completely compliant with all the regularity requirements that apply to their business. Our financial services and advisers can give you the peace of mind to operate your business without worrying about your corporate financial compliance.
At Frankston Tax Accountants in Frankston our expert tax agents we will assist you with strategic compliance and taxation advice in order to ensure your business is operating within the regularity requirements.
Since its inception, Frankston Tax Accountants has been at the forefront of tax and accounting, providing a broad range of services to local businesses in Melbourne. We offer Individual Tax Returns, Business Taxation and Accounting, Financial Planning, Self Managed Superannuation Funds, and Bookkeeping services.
Frankston Tax Accountants understand Doctors and Healthcare professionals require specialist attention. Our team of experts offers friendly, industry-leading advice relating to tax, GST and compliance that will maximise your return, addressing all your financial requirements.
We have extensive experience in servicing the manufacturing industry, including the provision of accounting, information technology, and audit services, and regular periodic management reporting. Supplemented with more detailed financial analysis, this lies at the heart of astute commercial decision making.
Frankston Tax Accountants Tax Accountants in Frankston also specialise in helping small businesses to achieve great things. Whether you run a bar, restaurant or coffee cart, our accountants are here to offer an extensive range of accounting support services for your hospitality business.
We Think For Tomorrow’s Businesses.
When it comes to providing excellent taxation services and advice , the technical knowledge of your advisers and tax agents is a given. What sets a team apart, elevating good taxation support to simply outstanding, is the people.
It’s the people, their proven expertise, practical industry experience and personalised approach that make a real difference. And that’s what you’ll find at Frankston Tax Accountants in Frankston. We deliver industry tailored taxation & financial services and solutions. For our tax agents, one size never fits all.
Unlike many of our competitors, we at Frankston Tax Accountants, accountants and tax agents in Frankston and Frankston North Vic, maintain rich financial and accounting network in local business fronts which gives us the advantage of being always in possession of the latest information surrounding local tax policies and requirements. With some of the best and most experience accountants and financial services advisors in the business, Frankston Tax Accountants provide the following tax management services:
- Decisive tax planning and management – our top and most reputable accountants are very much capable of providing expert financial advice for businesses and individuals including tax compliance, assessment of tax structures both local and international, minimisation of tax liabilities surrounding business contracts, etc.
- Month to date tax filing – processing tax returns of any kind (corporate tax, value added tax, withholding tax, etc)
- Filing property taxes – transactions or contracts that pertain to the sale, lease and development of property. It also includes all other applicable taxes such as income and withholding tax, transfer fees, stamp duties and registration fees.
- Tax advice – expert tips and professional recommendations on how to best deal with both international and local taxation.
- Corporate tax
- Personal income tax
Bookkeeping Services
Bookkeeping for business can be very time consuming – it may be too much to do yourself and yet not enough to employ a full-time bookkeeper. Our bookkeeping service is cost effective so that business owners can focus on growing their businesses instead of paperwork.
Every business needs to keep accurate books, but the bookkeeping needs of each business varies, depending on the size and complexity of the entity.
However, whether the records are simple or complex, all providers of bookkeeping services in Frankston and Melbourne should provide the following:
- Accurate and meaningful data
- Timely information
- Continuity in operations
- Cost effectiveness in service
We guarantee that our bookkeeping services will deliver on all of the above and more. Our bookkeeping team has many years of experience with small and medium sized companies and has extensive knowledge and expertise in operational standards and compliance. Our continual learning and training ensures you receive the highest quality of services and the latest techniques.
We have extensive experience in financial services for medium-sized trade businesses. The services we offer are all aimed at doing what really matters – ensuring your financial growth and freeing up your time so that you can enjoy life.
We understand what farmers require to effectively manage the finances of their farming operations. We have been a leading provider of business and financial advice, taxation, and accounting services to Primary Producers and the rural sector for more than 30 years. Enquire today to find out how we can help you with your farm.
Our experience and relationship with franchise groups give us real-time insight into franchise systems and their performance. We provide franchises with business, taxation and accounting services. We can also act as consultants to the head franchisors in setting up cloud accounting & business and structures.
At Frankston Tax Accountants, our specialist property tax accountants in Melbourne are renowned for their property tax accounting services for property investors. Our property tax accounting and tax advice extend to the various estate planning factors including ownership and control of assets.
Why Our Bookkeeping Services And Tax Agents Are Some Of Australia’s Best
At Frankston Tax Accountants, accountants and tax agents in Frankston and Frankston North VIC, we create solutions based on the specific needs of each client and take a long-term approach to provide solutions to meet all requirement, while ensuring enough flexibility to change our systems as your requirements change over time.
We can either work within your current systems and processes, or work out a new streamlined solution that will get things done quickly and easily. Our bookkeeping solutions are comprehensive and long term, freeing up your time so you can focus on running your business!
At Frankston Tax Accountants, accountants and tax agents in Frankston and Frankston North VIC, we provide the highest of standards in day to day general accounting and bookkeeping, using state of the art technology such as cloud software to improve our service and your results. With our help you can improve the profitability of your business by making sure your bookkeeping is up to date and accurate. Whether you need help getting ready for BAS time, payroll services or any other financial services, give our professional team a call.
Our tax agents will help set up your accounts (balance sheet and profit & loss) in MYOB, Xero, for those who are still processing paperworks manually.
Our bookkeeping services include:
- Accounts payable - Supplier invoices processing, maintenance, reconciliations and payment
- Accounts receivable - Invoice generation, maintenance and reconciliations
- Bank and credit card reconciliations
- Debtors and creditors reporting
- Debt collections
- Payroll management and superannuation
- Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet and other accounting reports
- Accruals
- Fixed asset register management
- Year end accounts
- Monthly P&L analysis
- MYOB system customisation and implementation
- Project catching up from manual accounting to accounting software.